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Why do Horses Cry ??


Horse specialists, horse breeders and horse breeders split into two camps over horse tears. Some are convinced that the tears of a horse are nothing more than a protective reaction of the eye, for example, to dust, others are convinced that these graceful animals, no worse than people, are able to experience strong emotions, which they sometimes cannot contain, and then we see sincere horse tears of happiness, pain , sadness.
In this article we will tell you why and why horses cry.
So the first reason horses cry apparently is because of physical pain.
1) Pain in the eye itself. If a horse has hurt the mucous eyes, or a speck the size of a log has got into its eye, or dust and dirt prevent it from seeing normally, do not be surprised if it will cry. Tears wash the eyes and cleanse it. If the horse is constantly flowing from the eye, it is necessary to urgently show the animal to the veterinarian so that he can prescribe treatment, because possible injury to the cornea, mucous membrane, which can subsequently lead to loss of vision.
2) Injuries to limbs, muscles, cramps in the digestive system, colic, burns and intravenous injections, especially if it is a foal. As you probably know, tears are a natural defense mechanism. In severe pain, tears play the role of a relaxant. Having cried, the animal will become easier to endure the pain. At the same time, according to the results of studies by Soviet doctors, wounds on the body of animals capable of crying heal much faster than those of those animals that do not have the ability to tear. But don't waste your time either, but try to alleviate the fate of the unfortunate horse as soon as possible.
The second reason why horses cry is sad emotions - loneliness, separation, the approach of death. We searched the entire Internet and found hundreds of stories when horses cry when parting with the owner, and even go to the grave because of this, i.e. literally dry out of longing. Horses also cry when they go to slaughter. They shed tears of grief when their master or foal dies. But the most amazing thing about this is not the tears of horses, but their ability to guess and feel what is happening with people. On an intuitive level, thanks to the cosmic instinct, they seem to scan our emotions on the subtle plane, and respond as best they can with their emotions. Remember the horse that helped the woman overcome cancer? How could she do this if she did not feel the dangerous illness and the exhausted state of the patient?
Here's another example. One guy had a serious accident and needed expensive surgery to survive. They needed money. It was possible to sell two horses or one wrecked car from the property. The mother told her son that his beloved mare seemed to feel what she was and walked as if she had sunk into the water. The guy was inspired and told his mother to sell the car, not the horses. And so they did. The son recovered and returned home, filled with gratitude to the horse that was waiting for him, as only a creature that knows how to love can wait.
As you may have guessed, horses also cry for joy. These are very rare tears, but at the same time they are the most valuable, the most sincere and purest. We found several stories in which the horses saw tears of joy when they met the owner after a long separation. There were stories when horses cried out of resentment, disappointment, betrayal. Can you imagine what a wide range of feelings are inherent in these amazing graceful creatures !? It is not people who attribute these feelings to them, this is an objective reality.
One story deserves your attention in particular.
One mare lost her colt while driving the herd. After a halt in a noisy, busy place, people did not immediately notice that the foal, which always followed the mother and the trail was gone. A lot was passed from the halt, but people decided to try their luck, and sent one of the herders in search. All this time the mare could not find a place for herself, and then, when the silhouette of a messenger and a foal appeared on the horizon, she began to cry. Big tears of joy and relief rolled from her eyes. She flared her nostrils and kicked the ground as her child approached her. When the colt approached, she hugged him with her neck and began to lick, and tears rolled down her face. All those present at this scene were also moved to tears.
The horse grief is great, and the hoofed animals have enough reasons for crying today, despite the fact that the difficult peasant economy, wars and inhuman times are far behind. Today, sports and horse racing remain one of the biggest ills of horses. It's not even about the loads, because the horse will withstand a lot, the point is that after the animal loses its athletic form, it has no place in life. They forget about him, or worse, they send him to the meat processing plant. As the saying goes, this is business and nothing personal.
Why is there a debate about whether horses cry or not. Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary, which clearly states that "crying" is the process of shedding tears with characteristic sounds due to grief, joy, pain. But scientists tend to believe that shedding tears over pain is not conscious grief. This is where the natural compensatory mechanism comes into play, and tears are a side effect.
If all the stories told above touch you, dear readers, for a living, we recommend reading one book by the excellent Soviet writer Fyodor Abramov, who is in the book "What the Horses Cry About". Abramov, who grew up in the countryside, writes especially well in the style of "country prose", and how else can you describe horses if not in this simple and provincial style. In this book there are no chases and races, but there is a moral problem of the place of a horse in a person's life - whether it is a support and a reliable stronghold, the most expensive thing in a peasant economy, or just a bag of bones with meat on which it is convenient to move. Everyone who is going to become a horse breeder simply must read this book. it describes the difficult fate of horses. And who, if not the owner, should know about all the hardships that fall to the lot of the horsemen.

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