Blog - Netflix to roll out ‘ I’m feeling lucky ‘ button soon
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Netflix to roll out ‘ I’m feeling lucky ‘ button soon

Netflix ‘Shuffle Play’ feature to roll out in the first half of 2021. The company had spotted reviewing that feature last year, will finally get a worldwide launch. The announcement was made by the company as part of its new financial performance. Shuffle Play has succeeded in its evaluation process by choosing content based on your viewing history, allowing you to stop feeling frustrated by the home screen of Netflix full of icons.

The new feature might called as ‘ I’m feeling lucky‘. It will enable users to turn over the decision of what to watch next to algorithms of the content provider.
Greg Peters, COO and Chief Product Officer, stated, “ Users often come to the service, but they’re not really certain what they want to watch. It really works for us where our members can click one button and we’re going to select a title for them just to play instantly,”
‘Shuffle Play’ will have a large button under your profile icon, right on the Netflix home screen. Netflix randomly plays content that its personalization algorithms think you’re going to like when clicked. This may include a movie that you’re already watching, something that you added to your watch list, or a title that, for example, is close to something that you’ve already watched.

This is not the first time Netflix has been playing with a feature like that. Users spotted a similar feature called “Play Something” before Shuffle Play. Two years earlier, this feature allowed users to watch a random episode of a famous shows..

Netflix also informed sources that the new feature is still being checked only on TV computers, not on web or smartphones. It declined to state how many users have been chosen for this testing phase. We hope it will make our browsing even more easier.

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