- Apache 2, Nginx
- PHP 5.2.1 or higher
- PHP modules: PDO, Mbstring, CURL, Filter, Simple , GD, Fileinfo (when downloading files, the exact MIME type will not always be), FFmpeg (there will be no video screenshots)
- MySQL 5.0.7 or higher
1. Create a new database
2. Enter the configuration data in the core/config.php file
3. Set CHMOD 777 on the directories files/ (and all subdirectories), cache/ (and all subdirectories) and core/cache/, core/tmp/, core/Smarty/templates_c/, core/Smarty/cache/
4. Run the install.php file and enter the password to access the admin panel
5. If the installation was successful, then delete the install.php and update.php files
6. Go to admin panel - apanel/ and configure the download center