Ryzer Pro 2.2.8 has interesting features and excellent code quality. It has been developed after extensive research to meet the requirements of people interested in creating custom directories. The design is modern, but at the same time it focuses on usability, visual hierarchy, and aesthetics to provide easy navigation for end users. With Ryzer Pro, you will have both light and dark versions. So you get two topics.
Ryzer Pro is a Premium XenForo theme with a perfect responsive design and tons of customization options available without any programming knowledge. Customize the theme colors, add items to the menu, sidebar, change the overall layout in just a few clicks! Retina is ready with support for any resolution.
After installing the style, in the welcome message, an error occurs that needs to be fixed. Troubleshooting: Appearance => Languages and phrases => Phrases => Add phrase In the "title" field, insert xentr_guest_message_title and in the "value" field - its value in Russian. We perform the same operation with the header xentr_guest_message_description
error Elimination of the error:
Appearance Styles Ryzer Dark - Templates through the search we are looking for node_list.less We are
looking for .node-stats in it and on line 77 width: 140px; change to 190.