Topic - A new drug to reverse diabetes?
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A new drug to reverse diabetes?

American researchers are working on a drug that could help prevent or even reverse Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease linked to lifestyle.
The research involves a natural cell chemical compound known as NMN, which when injected into diabetic mice normalised their blood sugar levels.
The chemical governs how cells use energy.
The jabs lowered high levels of cholesterol and triglyceride blood fats. Researchers are now working on a way to administer NMN to mice in drinking water, according to the journal Cell Metabolism.
In future, they hope to develop a ‘nutraceutical’ pill that can be taken like a vitamin to combat Type 2 diabetes, the Daily Mail reported.
“Once we can get a grade of NMN that humans can take, we would really like to launch a pilot human study,” said study leader Shin-ichiro Imai from Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis.
Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, is linked to lifestyle.

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Last edited REHAN - 11 Mar 2025, 00:12
Latest Activity: 11 Mar 2025, 00:12
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